OZARK-Final Season- New Theme Song
The Bowery Brothers song “My Name Is Trouble” is short-listed for regular playing on the final season of Netflix hit series, OZARK.
Listen or watch below!
My Name Is Trouble
In the darkest reaches our American heart resides that Bad-ass we all fear and worship. Be it Billy the Kid, John Dillinger, Al Capone or the modern day mavens of mayhem. We have a fascination for trouble.
My name is trouble.
You see me coming, better run on the double.
Born a bad seed, raised a wild child.
Been in trouble all my life.
I was born kicking and screamin’.
Hit the ground running, a true blue demon.
Raised to be a holy terror.
Every Texas mothers nightmare
My name is trouble.
You see me coming, better run on the double.
Born a bad seed, raised a wild child.
Been in trouble all my life.
Got into a little legal hassle.
20 miles out of old El Paso.
Knifed a man while jacking his Lexus.
Get you 20 years, here in Texas.
My name is trouble.
If you see me coming, better run on the double.
Jesus didn’t come, Buddha didn’t show.
Rapture comes, I won’t go.
When I die, I’ll go fast.
A mean like mine, just don’t last.
Bury me in Eagle Pass.
Last of the Texas, Bad-ass.
My name is trouble.
Mick Dalla-Vee/John Graham 2022

All Things Bowery Brothers!
Links to important Bowery Brothers info.

John Graham
John Graham writes all lyrics and writes the basics of the songs musical structure using his extensive knowledge of his favorite (and only known) 7 magic chords.

MIck Dalla Vee
All Music
Mick Dalla Vee writes all of the music, plays all of the instruments (unless otherwise indicated) records and arranges everything. Mick knows and uses way more than the 7 magic chords.

Paul Kype
Guitar Solo
Paul Kype is a veteran of the Canadian music scene. His current project is his amazing Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute, Texas Flood.
Paul knows many, many guitar chords.

Chris Jackline
Baritone Sax
Chris Jacklin’s fame shot to the heavens early in his career as the main saxophonist of The Tumours. Chris probably knows lots of chords but doesn’t need them as he plays a reed instrument.

Craig Zurba
Craig Zurba is Mr. Ears. Craig has an amazing, some might say, uncanny ability to find the sould of a song in the mix. It is also rumoured that Craig knows as many chords as any of us combined.